Infrastructure, construction and real estate
The provision for adequate infrastructure is backbone of any economy. It is known fact that inadequacies in the existing infrastructure have been a major area of concern for a number of decades. Several reforms have already happened across various sub-sectors of infrastructure including, roads, airports, ports, power and urban utilities and we have made some progress however much remain to be achieved to sustain and enhance economic growth.
In this regard, Indian Chamber of Commerce and industry in Cote D’ivoire (ICCI-CI) tried to galvanize the intellectual capital of this region, with support of concerned governments and industry to delineate objective driven action points for Infrastructure development and their implementation
Health technology, skilling of manpower, medical tourism and international partnership with india is one of the key areas where ICCI-CI has been working for as we understand for India and for Cote D’ivoire the opportunities are coming up in a big way in the areas of Hospital Technologies, Tele-medicines, Clinical Trials.
ICCI-CI aims to broadly cover the following theme in the sector
1. To enhance policy and regulatory framework to boost investor confidence in the infrastructure sector
2. To explore new potential areas in order to provide financial assistance to the infrastructure players
3. To discuss, how to deal with financing crunch to strengthen the faith of industry player in the infrastructure sector