The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) form an integral part of the Cote D’ivoire economy, comprising of the manufacturing and services sector broadly. However the outreach of the MSMEs is far more diversified. MSMEs have presence spanning across almost all the sectors and sub sectors thereby making it a highly dynamic sector. MSMEs are complementary to large industries as ancillary units and this sector contributes enormously to the socio-economic development of the country.
Cote D’ivoire is hugely innovative but only innovation will not help. Instead, collaboration of innovators can bring about more benefits in terms of cluster development as this will lead to obtaining good funding support. Notably, information block, funding availability and trust factor are major hindrances associated with the sector. Hence, structured efforts in e-commerce, integration of state government, simplification in ease of exporting, and addressing of credit availability issues must be dealt with.
Indian Chamber of Commerce and industry in Cote D’ivoire is committed to work for the development of the sector through policy advocacy and through leadership by bringing together Industry personnel, Retailers, Manufacturers, Exporters and Policy Makers in the MSME space.